Senior Style Guide Awards Moxie as one of the top 100 high school seniors in the World

To find out that Moxie was chosen out of a group of 8,152 to represent the top 100 senior photographers from across the globe is blowing my mind right now! I am just so grateful to be able to do what I love each and every day in working with some of the most amazing seniors in the Midwest. To be honored for that is seriously the icing on an already pretty bad ass cake!  Huge thanks to all of my seniors and their amazing parents, who put their trust in me to capture this epic time in their life. A shout out to Senior Style Guide and all of the judges for this amazing honor and huge props to Haus of Heir boutique Salon in Davenport for making my girls feel so confident.  Last, but certainly not least, a huge amount of love and appreciation going out to my uber supportive husband as well as Sydney, the most amazing assistant ever. I’m extremely blessed.   #nowletsgetthispartystarted