15 of my favorite images from 2015

As 2015 comes to a close, I find myself looking back on my shoots from the past year and having such an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I am able to do something that I am so passionate about for a living.  What’s even better is that I have come across such an amazing group of clients and their families – people that I will call friends for the rest of my life.  Last week, I decided that I wanted to showcase my ten favorite images from 2015.  Yeah right, this task was much harder to narrow down than I had anticipated. My favorite ten became twelve and when I was done I had over three dozen images in the “Must have” folder.  I have managed to whittle the list down to fifteen images and they are listed below in no particular order.  Enjoy!

Photo #1 – Lakin.  To me, this image represents a great deal more than the awesome photo that it is for so many reasons.  First off, I absolutely love Lakin and her family.  I met them through my Class of 2015 model rep program (Thanks Kristie!) and we hit it off right from the start.  What is so special about her session is that we made my first marketing video during her shoot.  Shout out to my uber talented husband Matt, owner and cinematographer at MotionSix Creative for capturing The Moxie Senior Experience within a three minute video (to check out more of Matt’s awesome video work, click here:  MotionSixCreative).  Last, but certainly not least, this image shows me how far my photography skills & creativity have come within the last couple of years.  Off camera lighting & smoke bombs?  Yes please.


Photo #2 – Erin.  This beauty is absolutely drop dead gorgeous.  This image was chosen to represent Moxie Design on the We Are The Seen website and made the finals of a national high school senior modeling campaign.  Work it, girl!2


Photo #3 – Colin.  This image is what I love to refer to as a happy accident.  Although I always scout out locations before selecting them for photo sessions, this gorgeous ivy wall was an amazing surprise that we found towards the end of his session.  The color, the depth, the texture – I. love. it.3


Photo #4 – Will.  Let me tell you, it was tough to narrow down my favorite image of this guy.  What’s even more awesome is that he is just as nice and genuine as he is handsome.  4


Photo #5 – Rachel.  I recently published this beautiful girl’s blog post and again, I could have chosen a dozen of her images to make the favorite list because she is photogenic with a capital PH.  She is what I would officially call a classic beauty.5


Photo #6 – Kennedy.  The moment that we captured the image below, it was thunderstorming like nobody’s business.  In hindsight, I’m so glad that the storms pushed us to think outside of the box to score some pretty phenomenal photos using off camera flash.  Gorge!6


Photo #7 – I had to select an image from my first stylized shoot with some of the Class of 2015 Moxie girls.  I still remember how hot it was that evening with literally hundreds of mosquitoes surrounding us.  I love each of you girls!  xoxo 7


Photo #8 – Alex.  This is one of my all time favorite sporting shots that I’ve taken.  Alex is an all star on the football field and this image kind of gives you an idea of how fierce he is.  Sidenote*  This image was picked up by the national organization, Modern Senior and was featured on their social media sites – super exciting!  Looking good, Alex.8


Photo #9- Rachel.  I mean seriously, girl- you have some absolutely beautiful eyes.  I just LOVE this image.9


Photo #10 – Mary.  Mary, her awesome mom and I had a blast during her photo shoot and I knew the second that I took this image that it would be one of my faves.   The pose, the hair, the wardrobe – stunning.10


Photo #11 – Trevor.  Out of over six thousand photos submitted, this image of Trev was selected and published in Senior Style Guide’s Hot 100 issue.   That alone is pretty awesome, but the personality and genuineness that this senior possesses makes it outstanding.  Rock it, Trevor!11


Photo #12 – Emma.  I was lucky enough to do two shoots with this senior stunner and I had a serious hard time trying to narrow down my favorites from her sessions.  The sunlight in this one just makes me smile, so I chose it.  I should mention that this gorgeous girl also made the finals of the Seen modeling competition (along with Erin from photo two).  Woop woop!12


Photo #13 – Kat.  From the minute I met this awesome girl, we just clicked.  I can’t even put into words how much my camera loved her and how much fun I had during her session.  Looking forward to doing some stylized images with her in the near future…13


Photo #14  – Bret.  Bret Michaels, how the heck did you sneak into this top 15?  You’re not a high school senior!
I felt compelled to put this image in because it was such an awesome experience, being able to work with someone who I listened to growing up (okay, so it was mainly my sister that bought his albums (tapes?), but I definitely knew most of the words to the songs he was singing during his show.  Rock.14


Photo #15 – Maddie.  Last, but certainly not least, is this gorgeous girl.  Maddie was one of my Moxie girls this year and it was so much fun getting the opportunity to work with her not one, not two, but three times over the course of the year.  Looking forward to our next session, girl!15

So that concludes my list of faves and as the album to 2015 closes, I’m getting so excited to meet the class of 2017 in the coming months.  Cheers to a wonderful new year, my friends!  xoxo,

Moxie Design is an award winning boutique photography studio that specializes in providing a boutique high school senior photography experience in the Quad Cities and surrounding areas including but not limited to Moline &  Rock Island, Illinois, Davenport & Bettendorf, Iowa.

Quad Cities Senior Photography | Rachel’s Gorgeous Session

You may recognize this beauty from the cover image to Moxie’s facebook page!   The road to Rachel’s senior session has a funny story associated with it that I have to share.  I met this gorgeous Geneseo senior when she came along to one of her friend’s senior photo shoots over the summer.  As always, we were chasing the light at sunset and Rachel was not only serving as best friend support but as an awesome assistant.  The last shots of the night I had set up some lighting equipment and somehow we lost a screw from one of the stands that was holding up a beauty dish and it literally went tumbling to the ground (in the middle of a field of flowers and grass with no chance of finding said screw in the dark).  Rachel offered to help hold the light for the last few shots so that we could still get the awesome images that we had set out to capture, which was a huge help.

Fast forward a couple of months to the day of her session.  It was one of those chilly early fall days, but Rachel didn’t let the cold steer her away from absolutely rocking the socks off of her session.  We had the perfect location for shooting and there are a few images from her session that are some of my favorites from the year.  This girl is so sweet and has this timeless beauty quality about her that reminds me of Audrey Hepburn.  Without further ado, here are some of the smashing photos taken during Rachel’s senior session. xoxo

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Moxie Design is an award winning boutique photography studio that specializes in providing a boutique high school senior photography experience in the Quad Cities and surrounding areas including but not limited to Moline &  Rock Island, Illinois, Davenport & Bettendorf, Iowa.

Quad Cities Senior Photography | Zach’s Senior Session

Meeting up Zach and his mom Cheryl was an absolute blast.  I knew that Zach was going to have an awesome sense of humor long before we met up when I read how he described his strong hatred for lettuce in the prep work prior to setting the final locations and let me tell you, he did not disappoint.  If I laughed one time during his shoot, I laughed dozens of times.  This super involved senior at UTHS wanted to incorporate his soccer skills into the session but more than that, he had some creative ideas that he gave to me before hand which resulted in some killer images.  Congrats on your upcoming graduation, Zach!  I can’t wait to see what awesome things your future holds.

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Moxie Design is an award winning boutique photography studio that specializes in providing a boutique high school senior photography experience in the Quad Cities and surrounding areas including but not limited to Moline &  Rock Island, Illinois, Davenport & Bettendorf, Iowa.

Quad Cities Senior Portraiture | Kennedy’s Rainy Day Session

This past summer was a rainy one, especially the months of June & July.  That being said, the day we set out to shoot Kennedy’s senior photos was one of the worst storms we saw all summer (and for the record, this was maybe the third or forth time we had already rescheduled due to rain).  We all set out, knowing what to expect, but having no idea of the amazing images we would capture due to the need to divert from the norm and seek shelter for 95% of the images.  I absolutely love how genuine and sweet Kennedy is and one of the most awesome things about her is that she has no idea how incredibly beautiful she is.  We had so much fun through the puddles, umbrellas, lightening and soaking wet shoes that I look back on her stormy session as one of my favorites of the year.  Luckily, I was able to work with Kennedy on two additional shoots throughout the summer so we were able to get some outdoor (and unsheltered) photos as well.  Cheers to this senior beauty and her awesome mom, Sharon, for making such a gloomy day be such a fun experience.  Congrats on your senior year and all that the future holds for you,  Ms. Kennedy!

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Moxie Design is an award winning boutique photography studio that specializes in providing a boutique high school senior photography experience in the Quad Cities and surrounding areas including but not limited to Moline &  Rock Island, Illinois, Davenport & Bettendorf, Iowa.

Quad Cities Award Winning Senior Photography | Featured – Alex



Meeting up with Alex was an absolute blast!  We started off in the Crossfit gym to capture some images of him in is element.  Not only did I learn a about this super popular conditioning program, but we got some pretty awesome images as well.  After capturing some photos at a local park, we headed out to Rockridge High School and their football field to end the session showcasing Alex’s football skills.  Fast forward a few weeks to his premier ordering session.  I typically have one or two favorites that I’m in love with from each session and this was no exception.  My favorite happened to be one of Alex and his mom’s faves, so I posted the image on Instagram and it got picked up and featured by a national high school senior publication – Awesome!  Congrats on your upcoming graduation, Alex!1 Moxie Design Quad Cities Senior Pictures

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Moxie Design is an award winning boutique photography studio that specializes in providing a boutique high school senior photography experience in the Quad Cities and surrounding areas including but not limited to Moline &  Rock Island, Illinois, Davenport & Bettendorf, Iowa.

Quad Cities Senior Portraits | The Senior Experience Featuring Lakin

The day of Lakin’s session went by so quickly it all seemed like a whirlwind.  Where do I even begin?  My husband spent the afternoon with us filming a marketing piece showcasing “The Senior Experience,” which ended up being so much fun.  We met up with Lakin, her mom Jana and cousin Cobey at Haus of Heir to capture the glam process as it was happening.  Within minutes, it was like we were all old friends and the day had begun.

I could have never known before hand what an absolute natural Lakin would be in front of the camera, but wow, it was absolutely amazing.  Getting to know Lakin and her family was so much fun and as we traveled from location to location, the photos just kept getting better and better.  I was so excited for the last shot because we were going to be using a combination off camera lighting and smoke bombs, looking for an image that would be an epic combination of a senior photo and an editorial shot from the likes of Rolling Stone.  Mission:  Accomplished.

Happy senior year, Lakin!  I’m so glad you were a Moxie girl!

If you want to see her video, check it out:

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Moxie Design is an award winning boutique photography studio that specializes in providing a boutique high school senior photography experience in the Quad Cities and surrounding areas including but not limited to Moline &  Rock Island, Illinois, Davenport & Bettendorf, Iowa.



Quad Cities Senior Portrait Experience | Rachel’s Model Session

Rachel was my first model to go through the Moxie Senior Experience complete with hair and makeup (at the amazing Haus of Heir).  We met up at the salon so that I could document the glam process before we hit the road to start her photos.  It was a super sunny day so we started out shooting near an ivy wall and quickly realized that there was an awesome building across the alley – that’s where the magic began.  This girl has the most beautiful eyes and when she smiles they absolutely light up, which made her so much fun to photograph.  I had so much fun working with my girls this summer and am so sad to say that we have finished our last photo session.  That being said, I don’t think that my camera has seen the last of this beauty.  Congratulations on your senior year, Rachel –  I’m so glad that I could be a part of it!  
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Moxie Design is an award winning boutique photography studio that specializes in providing a boutique high school senior photography experience in the Quad Cities and surrounding areas including but not limited to Moline &  Rock Island, Illinois, Davenport & Bettendorf, Iowa.


Quad Cities Senior Photographer | Miss Amazing Teen Iowa’s Editorial Photo Session

Last March, Juls was crowned the 2014 Miss Amazing Iowa Teen and she will be headed to the National competition in August. Although it was a gloomy (and rainy) evening when we met up for her session, her amazing personality took over and let me tell you, she rocked this shoot. We will be rooting for you at Nationals, sweet girl!
If you haven’t heard much about this pageant, check out how inspiring it is – http://missamazingpageant.com












Moxie Design specializes in senior, newborn, maternity, family, corporate, child, engagement and baby photography in the Quad Cities and surrounding areas including but not limited to Moline &  Rock Island, Illinois, Davenport & Bettendorf, Iowa.